Coronavirus: Service & Support
We are actively monitoring advice from Government Health Authorities and impact to our customers as the Coronavirus pandemic evolves.
In accordance with any developments, we will adapt accordingly to provide the maximum possible service to our customers.
At this stage it is business as usual with the following considerations:
- Extra focus on staff hygiene standards and procedures following recommended practices.
- Staff isolation should there be any developments with employee health.
- Compliance with all customer conditions regarding on-site support.
- Remote support options if it is a practical alternative to a site visit.
- Keeping up to date on equipment and spare parts supply chains for any impact to customers or service.
Inspection Systems understands the extent of potential impact and will keep our customer services at the forefront of any changes.
If we become aware of any impact to supply or customer services we will communicate developments on a case by case basis but we also welcome any enquiries you may have at any time.
If you have any questions regarding equipment sales, spare parts or technical support please call 1800 354 302 (AUS) or 0800 777 704 (NZ) or email us.