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SALES ENQUIRIES NZ 0800 777 704 | AUS 1800 354 302

Finding bone in finished food products?

Food manufacturers do their very best to ensure their products taste great and are of the highest quality.

But all the hard work can be done by a bit of bone, gristle, glass, metal or plastic. LOMA’s  X5 Pipeline X-Ray can help food manufacturers minimise this risk, preventing contaminated product from making it to the supermarket shelf. Designed for ground mince, poultry, sausages, slurries & diced meat, the X5 Pipeline helps in five ways:

  1. Detects Bone & Gristle – Detection of various contaminants which may occur in the primary production process.
  2. Protect Other Processing Equipment – Inspection systems can be used to protect expensive mixing equipment such as mincing blades by identifying contaminants early in the process.
  3. Reduce Product Smearing – Provides a shorter point to point distance on product pipes to help to reduce smearing of the product.
  4. Reduce Cost with Less Wastage – Rejects bad product earlier in the production process to reduce cost.
  5. Improved Detection of Metal – An X-ray system can detect a smaller contaminants compared to metal detectors.

Want more information?

Learn more about the X5 Pipeline X-Ray Inspection System here or call 1800 354 302 (AUS) or 0800 777 704 (NZ) or send us an online enquiry.


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