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Using Metal Detectors With Highly Reactive Products

Highly reactive products can be difficult to set-up when using a metal detector due to several different factors that make up the product, which include high salt, moisture or iron content; extreme temperatures or what they are packaged within (i.e. metalised film).

A product with one or more of the above attributes could produce a large product signal, resulting in saturation of the metal detector head. To overcome these potential issues the sensitivity of the head must be reduced manually, which could then result in decreased detection performance. It is also worth noting this process to set-up a metal detector can take time and might be troublesome if undertaken by an operator less familiar with metal detection.

Using the latest technology, developed with over 50 years of experience, Loma’s IQ4 metal detector systems have been designed to reduce the complexity of inspecting a difficult product whilst also providing great detection performance.

In this video using the Auto Learn feature, you can simplify set-up for challenging products and be ready to run a production line that is optimized to reduce false rejects and product wastage within minutes!

Want more information?

To discuss your food inspection requirements call 1800 354 302 (AUS) or 0800 777 704 (NZ) or send us an online enquiry.

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